Anyway I got the Official Nintendo Magazine on Friday 4th July( day that it came out) and as usual it is a great read. I started getting it from issue 26 and have never regretted it as in my opinion it is one of the best gaming magazines out there.
Official Nintendo Magazine(ONM)
The official Nintendo Magazine comes out every month( should be every 2 weeks because it is way to long to wait for the next issue) It is priced at £3.99 and is only available in the UK and Ireland. They recently redesigned it. If you want to know more about it check wikipedia and the Official site: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/
My Feedback on issue 32
Cover- Cover is alright but not one of the best last issues was better but that had spoilers on it not that I care about spoilers. There is too much text on the front. The old covers were better because they focused on one image and about two lines of text.
Select- I really enjoyed the select features. The 'Life in Technicolour' article was a good read and it is interesting to see that most people like and want black Wii's and Ds's. 'The Waiting game' article about the Europe brawl delay was annoying because there still is no excuse for the long delay but at least delays are getting shorter. I like the Hot list and Global sections so keep them in but the official sales charts should still have funny comments on them because I enjoyed reading them.
Feedback- I always love reading the letters section and I am liking the random rant bit. The mock covers were not that good. I can't see why the brawl one got in there but the Ask Nintendo one is funny. The Okami letter was very true. They should advertise Okami more in the magazine. However in the reply to that letter the Okami picture covers up some of it.
Features- Liked the game and watch feature it was like a history lesson. Amazing how the Multi Screen Game and Watch looks like the DS. The brawl interview was interesting too. But not everyone has a Gamecube controller to play the game with. The graphics in brawl have really changed compared to the original Super Smash Bros game and Melee.
Previews- Not that much to look forward to. All the summer sports games look boring probably because I hate sports. The harry potter game looks alright but I don't think I will get it. Lost in the blue looks interesting and so does Viva Pinata.
Reviews- Hardly any good games this month. Not one got above 90%. Alone in the dark turned out bad not that I wanted it. The review of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has put me off getting it and I knew the Hulk game would be rubbish. Shame about Pokemon Ranch. The Round up section is a good way to review the games that don't need big reviews.
The Making of Lost Winds - I really like this bit of the magazine to because its interesting to see all the drawings of the game and how they made it. Not that bothered about Lost Winds, but it was a good interview.
Directory- Get rid of the 'How to' bit in the directory because it is wasting 4 pages and I think most people who read this magazine would already have a Wii or DS and know most things about them and if you don't look on the internet for help. The cheats and tips for games are always good but there should be more Brawl ones. I don't do any of the Challenges but its nice to have them. The Rated Wii/DS/ Wii shop pages are good but take any Wii play on the Rated Wii because it is so boring. The last page of the magazine that has facts about a different character each month is very interesting.
Free gift- An Art Book! This has to be one of the best free gifts yet. It is amazing and there should defiantly be another one but the Wii stickers that came with it went straight into the bin so don't do any more.
Overall great issue. Can't wait for the next one about Animal Crossing Wii and E3 and I will be logging onto the Official Nintendo Magazine website at around 9pm on the 15th of July because I so want to see what games are announced at E3 Keep up the good work ONM!!!