In Season One, the series revolved around a core group of eight Legionnaires but others appeared from time to time in recurring roles.
Core Legionnaires
- Lighting Lad
- Saturn Girl
- Brainiac 5 - My Fave and he is pure evil in Season 2!
- Phantom Girl
-Bouncing Boy
- Triplicate Girl ( also called Duo Damsel)
- Chameleon Boy- My second Fave
Third Season
According to various interviews a third season had been planned but was dropped because the Kids WB! slot was taken over by 4Kids. Season 3 was to take place 3 years after Season 2 in which an older Superman returns. Sensor, Wildfire and Shadow Lass were to be introduced, w
hile background characters Blok and Dawnstar would have active roles. Ferro Lad was not to return, but his twin brother would have appeared in the show while Kel-El, who would have made regular appearances would not have been as active as in season 2. The main focus of the third season would have been Brainiac 5's return (though he may or may not have rejoined the Legion), while trying to redeem himself after Season 2's finale. The final episode of season 2 linked the two seasons together. From Wikipedia

So why the hell did they cancel the show? They are making a new show called Batman the Brave and the Bold so basically they cancelled LoSH just to make a new Batman show!! LoSH should have gone on for a least 3 seasons. I am really disappointed that they cancelled it for a batman show because I really want to know what happens in Season 3 and what happens to Brainiac 5.
If you want to Save the Legion then please sign this petition( I didn't make it) It probably won't Save the show but we can only try. http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/SavetheLegion
and btw the show is so much better than Ben 10 I hate that show so much!
Long Live the Legion!!!
and Brainy is Pure evil I mean just look at this picture!!
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