Most hotels have welcome parties where they tell you what you can do and where you can go. The hotel we stayed in( Coma Gran) had welcome parties, lots of them. On our first day we decided to go to one of these welcome parties( what a big mistake) So we sat down and the reps did their welcome party and it was all very boring. However one rep nick named "Jazzy John"( they all had stupid nick names but my nick name is so much better so from now on he will be called evil rep) was also at the welcome party because he is the head rep. The reps already hated me anyway because I didn't want to join their stupid teenagers club so when I got so bored I pretended to go to sleep it only made them hate me even more. Also about 10mins before the welcome party started my mum had gone to the reps desk and found a hat in this box and taken it. Now there is nothing wrong with that because it was a nice hat and the box is there for people to leave things they don't want so other people can have them. The box is by the reps desk where they sell trips and that unfortunately is where evil rep works. So anyway back to the welcome party one of the other reps " Chatty Chelsea" was wearing a straw hat like the one my mum got and I reckon evil rep wanted the hat we had because every time we put on the hat he kept looking at us.( I still have the hat now and it will be forever named evil reps hat. We should have left it for evil rep but never mind)
but that's not the end to this story...
That's not my name
Evil rep already hated us. He was on stage saying stuff about becoming friends and my mum said
" They are not really your friends" which is very true. Evil rep couldn't have heard my mum say that so one of the other reps must have said something to him because when the welcome party finished he walked past and shot me the first of his many evil looks and that's how he got his name.
Time goes by...
Time pasted by and nothing else happened for a while. Evil reps desk was by reception so we walked past it every day and night. More welcome parties were held and we had to walk past evil rep every time with him giving me more evil looks. One night we found a planner on the desk and we nicked it. The next day evil rep gave me a accusing look.( I still have the planner) Also at dinner in the restaurant evil rep would come for his dinner and freak me out by just being him.
Another welcome party, Another evil look
One day after breakfast the maid was cleaning our room so we couldn't go in it. We went downstairs and hanged around reception. There was another welcome party on so we sat at the back on the chairs and guess what? Evil rep is hanging around at the back. He walks towards us giving us the evils so we ran away fast!!!
Evil reps evilest look ever
One night when evil rep should have gone home me, my mum and Alex went down to look in the box. I looked up and guess who is behind reception, The one the only evil rep. Evil rep looks up and stands there just staring at us and giving me his evilest look ever. That look really really really freaked me out. It was like he guarded that box with his life. He then starts coming toward us so we ran into the lift.
The rep show
Every Tuesday all 21 reps hold their amazing rep show. Evil rep wasn't in it much but at the end he came out into the audience and stood by a tree and shot me a very evil look. Then he went up on stage and all 21 reps did the club songs. Evil rep couldn't do it very well and I did actually feel sorry for him. Me and mum ran away when they were doing their club songs with evil rep desperate to get us. We went through the box and then we hid on the first floor and waited for evil rep. After about half an hour he did actually come and go home. That is one of the last times I saw evil rep.
So that's the story. I'm sure evil rep wasn't really that evil and he was maybe even a very nice guy but it made the holiday interesting. I don't know why evil rep hated us so much but who cares, you never know evil rep could be a vampire.

Evil reps desk

Above is evil reps team. there are only 15 reps in the picture but there are 21 reps at the moment. Evil rep is the one in red, Nik Nack Nickers/the show off is in yellow and Naughty Nikki( she hated me too) is in pink.
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