I know alot of people have trouble with the stray bead 48 sidequest in Okami and I personally think it is one of the worse parts in the game. The sidequest is in Sei-an City (C. Qtr). First you must buy the little girl some charcoal from the shop. When you talk to her she will show you a picture. Go to see Mr chic and draw the picture she showed you on the kimono. If you did it right then mr chic will say "It might make something happen. Lucky you. If he doesn't then you have to keep drawing it until he does. There are five symbols. After you do each one right go back to the girl to get praise and she will show you another symbol. The symbols are susposed to go in this order but any order will do:
- Star
- Heart
-V sign
- Clover( four circles)
- Heaven sign( Kanji)
The girl showed me the star twice and I never had to draw the heart which is weird. However I had so much trouble with the Kanji symbol I was ready to give up. It took me 4 days of drawing it over and over again and eventually I did it. If you are trying to do the Kanji symbol DO NOT GIVE UP because you will do it!
I used this to do my Kanji symbol

The kanji symbol Mr chic accepted( I have no idea why!)
I used all straight lines for the one he eventually accepted for mine.
It's basically two horizontal lines plus one diagonal from the center of the top line to the bottom left, and one diagonal from the junction of the bottom line and the first diagonal to the bottom right.
Here is what he finally accepted from me.
(I tried just showing the picture, but couldn't figure out how.)
Oh my god your advice has been the only thing that worked I can't believe it!!! This is like my 5th replay of this game and I finally decided to try and get all the stray beads. You have been a true life saver.
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